Objective of Journal

The objective of the IJLPSR is to be indexed in renowned indexing including Web of Science having high reputability and strong peer reviewed work and with having its website. The journal works for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in Finance and Management, Development studies, Law and governance, Science and Technology, Health science, Folklore and Afan Oromo, Basic science. It provides a platform for the research community to share their findings; insights and views in recent science and technology. The journal serves as a forum of critical, constructive and problem-solving and knowledge creation means in above and related fields.

The purpose of an academic journal is to give researchers a venue to "impart their knowledge to one another, and contribute what they can to the Grand design of improving natural knowledge, and perfecting all Philosophical Arts, and Sciences. Articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed, academic, and refereed journals are more credible than articles from popular or trade journals ('magazines') because they have gone through the most rigorous review process. They also have the most references or citations. From researchers, academics, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world. To this end, The Editors of The International Journal of Leadership and Public Sector Reform welcome submissions for the first issue to be published in August 2023.

Specific Objectives

  1. To increase the competence, ethics, attitudes and sense of public servant of legal professionals by supporting Teaching, consultancy, training and research of the University.
  2. To serve as a reference and source for the directives to be enacted within the region.
  3. To avoid the disparity between the law and the practice.
  4. To mitigate possible grievances of the public on the justice service delivery system by giving similar decisions on similar cases.