The Effects of Change Management Practice on Organizational Performance and Factors Affecting the Success of Change Implementation-A systematic Article Review Study


  • Mekonnen Sorsa PhD student in Management and Leadership, Oromia State University, Batu, Ethiopia Author
  • Chala Dechassa Oromia State University Author


Change , Management , Organizational, Practice, Performance


Recognizing the need for change and leading organizations through that change is one of the most challenging for any leadership. Change is the only constant in today’s life for individuals and organizations. The major objective of this systematic article review is to assess the effect of change management practice on organizational performance and to investigate key factors affecting the success of organizational change implementation. This systematic article review used 30 recently published research articles on reputable journals, which are more correlated to the title “effect of change management practices on organizational performance”. More specifically, empirical studies recently published on reputable journals between 2015 and 2023 were purposely selected by searching on Google scholar search engine using phrases “Practice of change management, effects of change management on performance, impacts of change management on employees’ efficiency, impact of change management practice on organizational excellence, and factors affecting success of organizational change implementation”. The findings of the study indicate that technological, structural and leadership or management changes of organization have positive relationship with employees and organization efficiency. Furthermore, the study also revealed that there exists a strong link between key factors affecting the success of implementation of organizational change such as effective communication of the change, involvement of employees and stakeholders in change process, training and motivation, resource dedication, leading and coaching, team building, clarity of the purpose of the change and leadership commitment and employee and organizational performance. From the review it can be concluded that practice of change management and employees and organizational performance have significant positive relationship; key factors affecting success of organizational change implementation can fuel up all the stakeholders of change management and should be considered as vital components of change management.

Author Biographies

  • Mekonnen Sorsa, PhD student in Management and Leadership, Oromia State University, Batu, Ethiopia

    PhD Fellow in Management and Leadership, Oromia State University, Batu, Ethiopia,

  • Chala Dechassa, Oromia State University

    PhD, Associate Professor, Oromia State University, Batu, Ethiopia, Address:

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How to Cite

The Effects of Change Management Practice on Organizational Performance and Factors Affecting the Success of Change Implementation-A systematic Article Review Study. (2023). International Journal of Leadership and Public Sector Reform, 1(2), 20-36.