
International Journal of Leadership and Public Sector Reform (IJLPSR)

Call for Research/Article Publications - Volume 1, Issue 2

 It is well known that Oromia State University has launched its own Journal named International Journal of  Leadership  and  Public  Sector  Reform  (IJLPSR);  which  is  open  access  and  peer-reviewed  academic journal.  It  publishes  original  theoretical  and  empirical  research  works,  articles,  translations,  review articles, book reviews, case studies, literature reviews, conceptual frameworks, analytical and simulation models, and technical  notes from researchers, academicians and professionals,  practitioners as  well as students from all over the world. So far, we have undergone the publication of five research works/Articles in  Volume  I,  Issue  I  in  September,  2023.  In  a  similar  way,  we  are  looking  forward  to  receiving  and publishing quality research works/Articles in Volume I, Issue II. To this end, editors of the International Journal of Leadership and Public Sector Reform (IJLPSR) welcome submissions for the second issue to be   published in December, 2023.     

IJLPSR welcomes submissions in a wide range of disciplines, including, inter alia, 

  • Leadership and Public Sector reform Studies
  • Organizational Studies
  • Policy Studies
  • Social Science and Humanities
  • Science and Technology
  • Business and Economics
  • Anthropology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Oromo Art, Language and Philosophy

Submissions of the manuscripts shall be sent to the website address of IJLPSR:,   and/or at 

The Journal Publishes in both print and online version. 

Submission deadline: Contributions must be received by December15, 2023, Contributions received after that date will be considered for the next issue. 

Date of Publishing: IJLPSR Vol. 1 No.2 on December28, 2023. 

Acceptance notification: Within 5-7 days from the date of manuscript submission. 

Editor-in –chief: Chala Dechassa, PhD, Associate Professor 

International Journal of Leadership and Public Sector Reform (IJLPSR) 

This issue information: This issue, IJLPSR Vol.1 No.2 of the International Journal of Leadership and Public Sector Reform Publish research papers in the field of: 

Leadership and Public Sector Reform: Change Management, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Kaizen,  Public Administration, Governance, Custom Management, 

Social Science and Humanities: Sociology, Social Work, Anthropology, Law, Visual Arts, Political Science,  Development, Tourism Management, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Education, Gender Studies, Social Welfare, etc. 

Science  and  Technology:  All  kinds  of  Science  and  Technology,  Technology  and  Innovation,  E-Service,  Environmental Studies, Climate Change, Agriculture and Rural Development, etc. 

Business and  Economics:  Business  and  Marketing,  Economics,  Financial  Development,  Accounting  and  Banking, Management, Human Resource Management, etc. 

For further information, you may contact us in person @ School of Postgraduate, Research and Publication office or through our cell phone and email address. 

   Negesu Bayisa(0922251318),, or  

   Chala Dechasa(PhD) 0912056508,